
Friday, 1 March 2013

I gave out a questionnaire to around 20 people to get a rough idea of how I should create my own magazine. This graph shows the types of magazines people read; clearly ‘Fashion’ was the most popular. Meaning it would be more likely for me to do a feature on the attest fashion, than a tech themed magazine. 
This graph is also based on information taken from my questionnaire results. For these answers, I asked ‘what is your favourite part of a magazine?’. The graph shows me that people enjoying reading interviews, and also ‘real life stories’ was very popular. Therefore in my magazine I shall make sure I put interviews and real life stories in it frequently.
This pie chart, like very other graph I have created is based on my questionnaire results. However this is for the question ‘how much would you pay for a magazine?’, most people said they would be willing to pay £2-£3. This helps me when thinking about the price I could sell my magazine for.
This last graph is based on the question ‘how often do you read magazines?’, winning 64% was Quite often,  which is also helpful when thinking about how often a magazine should be sold. Due to the results I feel the magazine should be sold weekly this way it will be popular and regular. 

Have you read a music magazine before?


If yes complete the rest of the questions:

How often do you read them?

Very often   
Quite often  

What kind of music magazines have you read?

What are your favourite types of music genre?

Other, (please specify below)  ……………………………………….……………………………………….

How much would you pay for a music magazine?

50p- £1

What attracts you to a music magazine?

Front Cover
Other, (please specify below)  ……………………………………….……………………………………….

What do you least like about magazines?

Other, (please specify below)  ……………………………………….……………………………………….

Have you ever been to live music performances?


If yes, how many have you been to and for which artist(s)?

Where would you usually find music updates (e.g. live performances, chart positions)

Other, (please specify below)  ……………………………………….……………………………………….

Times New Roman
‘Times New Roman’ is universally a very formal font. Due to the fact it is the general font people use for writing letters and many business would use it for everything. Therefore I don’t think it would be a good reflection of my magazine this font because I want my magazine to attract a younger audience. However it would be suitable for a tech or business magazine.

Academy Engrave LET
This font is called ‘Academy Engrave LET’. I feel it would suit a title, as it is very abstract and large. Therefore I wouldn’t use it as a general font for all writing on every page, however for title’s I would consider it.

Handwriting- Dakota
Handwriting- Dakota is a very light thin font and is very fun to read. However it seems a very casual font, that wouldn’t be suitable or a very formal magazine. Therefore I wouldn’t use this font for my magazine as I am looking for a font that is quite formal and appropriate for a rock styled magazine.

Apple Casual
Apple Casual is a very round and small font, even though they are al size 12 fonts that I have tested, Apple Casual is especially small. Nevertheless I feel this font is an easy read, and would be suitable for a children’s book. As it isn’t too formal, however would need to be a larger size.

Synchro LET
‘Synchro let’, is the type of font that you would commonly associate with technology text, it is a very printed and pixilated text. I feel it would be suitable for an it or electronic magazine

Colour Testing

The colour I have chosen to experiment with is, PINK.
Pink is stereotypically a girly colour, and is universally associated with love.
Pink is a very quiet colour and is typically a colour of beauty. Many magazines use the colour pink for their font, as this indicates femininity.

My second colour is GREEN. Green is a very neutral, genderless colour. It represents nature, fertility, and life. I believe this is because grass is green, and most things in nature. This is often used when a baby is expected, however you don’t know the gender because it is neither feminine nor masculine.

PURPLE it has been said that people that surround themselves with this colour will have a good piece of mind, or are searching for spiritual fulfillment. Purple also symbolizes magic and mystery, and is believed to be one of the warmest colours as it is a combination of red and blue. Most children love the color purple, so this would be a good colour if featured in a children’s book.

GREY is typically the colour of sorrow, isolation, lack of movement and emptiness.  However Native Americans associate grey with friendship, and grey with silver in is often seen as a very active colour. Grey is the symbol for security, maturity and dependability. It connotes responsibility and conservative practicality.